Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grandma Eleanore's Thanksgiving

Also on Sunday we had our annual Grandma Eleanore's Thanksgiving Dinner. I only got a few pictures, I need to take more.


The girls have been taking gymnastics once a week since we have moved here. They have a lot of fun and have become very limber!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


It was our Anniversary on November 23, that was Sunday. Here are a few pictures from the past. 12 years and a lot of pounds ago we were married in the St. George Temple. Can't believe it has been that long, and yet it just seems like yesterday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Camri's 1st Lost Tooth!

Camri and Alyssa were taking a bath and Camri had a tooth that was loose. So I guess she gave it one big yank and out it came. Luckily she didn't drop it in the bath water. It did bleed quite a bit, and she was a little nervous. But tomorrow she will probably be glad (after the toothfairy comes). Yeah, Camri!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'ts Christmas Time!

Well we were cleaning a few things out of the garage and hadn't put the halloween stuff away yet. So we just decided to skip right to the Christmas decorations. I guess if you can't beat 'em join'em, so Christmas here we come

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Birthdays and Staring

Also today was Aunt Annette's Birthday! We helped her celebrate with cake and ice cream at Grandma Fischer's house. Hope you had a good birthday Aunt Annette!
Also during the cake and ice cream Camri and Megan were having a staring contest.

Veteran's Day

With it being Veteran's Day, the Elementary School had their usual assembly. They invited Grandpa Fischer to bring some memorabilia and come to the assembly to be honored. Each Veteran had an escort, so the kids were able to escort Grandpa in. What a great honor it is to be a Veteran and how proud we are to have them in our family.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween was fun this year. All the grandkids were there accept Alex, maybe next year. Thanks Grandma Fischer for helping with the kids.