Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This is mostly for my benefit, I just wanted to have this information somewhere and a picture to go along with it. First of all they are all in their pjs, not because it is bedtime, but because they got to have a pajama day at school. Yes, Drew was excited! Secondly, I measured their height and as of November 24, 2009 Drew is 5ft 5in tall, Alyssa is 4ft 6in and Camri is 4ft 2in. I am so proud of them and love them very much, even though I get super mad when they spill orange drinks on my carpet downstairs.

Anniversary! (13th)

Yesterday was our Anniversary, but we celebrated over the weekend. We dropped the kids off to my mom and headed to Mesquite on Friday. We got back to Minersville on Sunday. On Friday in school Alyssa pulled out a tooth and then while in Minersville Camri lost her tooth that was super loose. So the girls each got a visit from the tooth fairy $2 each. We had a nice time just relaxing in the room and the hot tub. Also we saw a couple of movies and as always we ate A LOT!. Then on Sunday we had our annual Grandma Eleanore's Thanksgiving Dinner. Some pictures were taken, but I will need to get those and them post them. Thanks to Grandpa Tim and Grandma Margie for watching the kids.

Veterans Day

It has taken me a while, but I finally got these pictures from Veteran's Day and Aunt Annette's B-day put on here. The Elementary school had a nice program for all the Veterans in Panguitch and as they announced the veterans, students were able to escort the veterans in. It was so nice to have Grandpa and Justin and then the kids escort them in.
Happy Birthday Aunt Annette! Thanks for all you do for our family!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Science Fair

On November 6th, it was the Panguitch Elementary School science fair. This year we had to do 2 projects. The fair is for 4th-6th grade. We tried to do a project that has to do with the kids core this year. So as you can see, Alyssa did her project on the Water Cycle. And Drew and Dason did their project on the phases of the moon. Thanks to all those who helped the kids with their projects. Drew and Dason got a medal and Alyssa got a superior ribbon. Some of the teachers at the school asked Drew & Dason if they could keep their project to help teach their class on the Phases of the moon. The box behind Drew was something Justin helped them with. You can look into the box and then touch the metal ruler to each lightbulb and it will light up the ball inside and show a phase of the moon. When you are all here you will have to see how cool it is.
Alyssa did an experiment with a bowl and a small container in it. She put a small amount of water in the bottom of the bowl and then she put strawberry milk powder in the small container. Then she put plastic wrap over the top and a small weight on the plastic, over the small container. Then she put it in the sun and water condensed on the plastic and dropped into the small container.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was fun this year. We wish everyone could have been here, but we had a good time and the weather was great.

Day before Halloween

On Friday October 30th the schools had their halloween parties and everyone got to wear their costumes. Here is me and the kids and then Grandma and me.