Sunday, January 31, 2010

3rd Day at the Parks

This was our 3rd day at Disneyland and we planned a little better. We got there right when it opened and we knew it was going to rain heavy in the middle of the day. So we were going to spend the morning in Disneyland and then go back to the motel for a couple of hours in the middle of the day. But things turned out a little differently. We did go to Disneyland until about 12:30 or 1. Then we started to get too wet and we headed back to our motel to dry off. While drying our clothes in the coin operated dryer, the power went off on our block. So after about 30 minutes it came back on and we got dressed in slightly wet shoes and headed back. When we went back, we went to California Adventure thinking we would stay there until 6 (closing time) and then to Disneyland until 8 (closing time). BUT......we found out that both parks were closing early because a really bad storm was supposed to be coming later. So we got a few hours in at California Adventure and then another hour at Disneyland. We had a lot of fun!
These space ships were a ride the kids loved. They went on them several times.
This was a picture of the picture they take during the Space Mountain ride. I didn't get one of Drew because it was the very last thing he did. And he only went because we made him. We told him he had to choose 1 scary ride and he still wouldn't go, so in the middle of the park Justin tried to pick him up and take him to the Matterhorn, but then he said he would go on Space Mountain. And he ended up loving it.
This is the kids in front of the Peter Pan ride. It was a little to high for me, but it was inside and so we went on it a few times.
Another carousel ride.
We all wanted to ride the tea cups, but they were closed because of the rain, so we just did the picture cup.
We all went on this ride the first day, then the last day I chose not too go again. Even though you are only a couple of feet off the ground I was way too high up.
This was the front of the fun ride where you shoot things with the 3D glasses.

New Years Eve and Day

For New Years Eve we went to the celebration down at the Triple C and ate and the kids played on the blow up slides. Then we went back to Grandma and Grandpa Fischer's and played some more games. We watched the ball drop and then we headed home and off to bed. On new years day the kids wanted to play out in the snow here are a few pics.

More pics

More pictures of after Christmas time with family.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

After Christmas!

Here are some pics of the few days after Christmas. Spending time at Grandma & Grandpa Fischer's with the family is always such a fun time.

Winter pics and posts to come!

I am way behind on updating our blog, so I will be (slowly) posting a bunch of new things.
These are some pictures of the last day of January. It is kind of hard to see in the pics, but the ice crystals on the trees and other things were very pretty.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Morning!

Christmas was good this year. You can see mostly what the kids got, but the biggest gift was a trip to Disneyland. Thank you to all the cousins and Grandparents for all the gifts.
Justin and I gave each other (and the family) a new 42" flat screen tv.

More Christmas Eve

As we do every year, we did the play of the Nativity Story. I am so glad we can do this to help us remember why we really celebrate Christmas and it is a great tradition for our families.