Friday, February 26, 2010

Final teeth!

Drew had a few baby teeth left and they were hanging on. One was still in and his permanent tooth had grown out his gum over top of the baby tooth, and the baby tooth wasn't even loose. So we decided to have the dentist just pull all 4 that were left. YAY! No more baby teeth!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Alyssa basketball

This year was Alyssa's first year to play basketball. I was her coach, so we only go one picture of her. She did a good job and I'm sure she will get even better in the years to come.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Camri's 2nd Grade assembly

For Camri's 2nd grade assembly they sang a bunch of educational songs. She is doing so good in school! I don't remember why, but Shanon and the boys were here and so was Erin and her kids. Thanks for coming everyone to support Camri.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Talk about way behind

I'm pretty sure this was the weekend of the Super Bowl. Erin and Jordan came down and we had a lot of fun in the snow. I will post pictures later, first I want to catch up on my posts.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1st Day at the parks

We made it to California (barely) and headed straight to Disneyland. The rain, thunder and lightning on the way down were terrible. At times we could hardly see a foot in front of us. But we made it. We first went to California Adventure and stayed until closing (6pm). Then we went to Disneyland for the rest of the night. Then to our hotel to check in. Just before we left California Adventure we did get to see a parade that was really cool. Then just before we left Disneyland we saw another parade with all the characters.
Drew and Alyssa waiting while Justin and Camri went on the Tower of Terror! Also Cinderella was walking to her dressing room and I tried to get a picture of her and Drew but she was in a hurry. Drew tried to chase her, but Prince Charming was coming after him!(Just Kiddin)

The army men from Toy Story put on a cool show. Below is a video of some of their performance.

Always have to take a ride on the carousal.

This is the ride Alyssa went on, it would shoot you up super fast and then drop you slow. I think it shot up like 120 feet. Good job Alyssa.
This is the only high ride I went on. I think it was a ride for little kids, it only went about 15 feet up and I was terrified. There is a video below.

This ride was a fun one for all ages. You put on the 3D glasses and then you sit in a ride and shoot different things from Toy Story. You get a score at the end. We went on it several times.

Here is our motel. It was a Hampton Inn. It was a nice place. We sat in the hot tub a couple of different times (always in the rain) and the kids even jumped in the pool a few times.

Monday, February 1, 2010

2nd Day at the Parks

We spent the whole day at Disneyland on this day. We got up and ate our great continental breakfast and then headed to Disneyland. If we knew how bad it was going to rain, we would have planned better. About 4 it started to rain, we hurried and went on what rides we could and then while running back to get on our bus we got soaked. We left the park about 5 pm. So not a lot of pictures because of the rain.
This is the kids in line for the Finding Nemo Submarine ride.
This Dumbo was specifically for picture taking. But the kids loved going on this ride.
Here we are, in front of the magical kingdom! Yes, I really thought it was magical.
Me, Drew and Alyssa were waiting underneath some shelter while Justin and Camri went on a scary ride(Space Mountain). They had returned just before the Star Wars characters came out the door behind Drew and Alyssa. I wish I knew that was happening, Darth Maul came out and looked right in Camri's face, and then some storm troopers and Darth Vader. See video below.

Here we are on our bus going from the motel to the parks.