Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day weekend

We headed over to Minersville for the weekend and spent it doing a lot of fun things. All the cousins were there (except Ava) and we played in the water a lot. We rented the pool and put up the new water slide. Clay & Stacey got their little baby blessed and then of course a lot of eating. I had my camera, but never pulled it out once. Yes, I stink! The kids had a lot of fun spending time with family.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Alyssa!

This year we took Alyssa and some friends bowling. (And Camri) We had a lot of fun, this is a picture of her and her friends. They found these weird fake mustaches.

Thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes, money and gifts. She got a new stereo for her birthday and lots of fun stuff.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Surgery! Pictures not for the weary!

You really can't tell from this picture how big the lipoma was on the back of Justin's head. But he has had one for the past 4 or 5 years, and it was getting bigger and was time to have it out. So on Thursday the 20th we went to Cedar and had it cut out. Once the doctor cut into it, it kind of released the pressure and when he got it all out it was the size of a golf ball. Then they stapled it shut, hopefully nothing else got out! Ha Ha!



Western Day

On Thursday it was actually Agriculture Day, and Camri's class was supposed to dress western. Thanks Grandma Fischer for all the help with all the dress ups.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

District Track Meet

This was Alyssa's relay team.

On the 19th was the district track meet. I mostly have videos of the kids doing their events. Drew did the shotput, high jump and he ran the 1oo meter. Alyssa did the 65 m hurdles, high jump, 200 meter and the 4 x 100 relay. It is a lot of fun to go and watch them.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Camri Baseball

Camri has a had a few games and she does great. I am her coach this year and then next year she will be in softball with Alyssa. That will be interesting.

Pirate Day!

Obviously today was Pirate Day for Camri's class. She makes a cute pirate!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


For the last few weeks of school Camri's class gets to do a lot of fun things. For some of the days they get to dress up. This was fairytale day, tinkerbell, isn't she cute!

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was nice this year. The kid's gave me a gift certificate for a mani/pedi. Then the girls did a few things in church and at school, and on their own. They even gave me $5 each. I hope all the mom's in my life had a good day, you're doing a great job, hang in there!


For part of Spring Break and Easter weekend we went to St. George with the Fischer Family. We went to Fiesta Fun Center and some of us got very wet (Drew). We also were able to swim and play on a play place at our motel. We then had an easter egg hunt in the backyard at Aunt Mertle's house. Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Fischer for the fun easter treats!

Friday, May 14, 2010

6th Grade assembly

Today was the 6th grade assembly. Most of the kids did a joke or a group of them would do a joke. But not Drew and his 2 accomplices. They did a skit they had made up, interesting!