Tuesday, March 29, 2011


On march 28th we headed to Cedar to the orthodontist. When the doctor looked in Camri's mouth, he was surprised and asked if we knew what was going on. I knew nothing because Camri didn't tell me. One of her bottom teeth was loose and her permanent one had grown in almost under he tongue. So the dentist told her that if it wasn't out the next time we came he would pull it. So while we are in the front of the office making the new appointment, Justin just has to look at her tooth. The next thing I know she is holding her tooth in her and and bleeding in her mouth. He had pulled it right there in the office. Man, sometimes! This picture was taken the day after and the tooth fairy had already taken her tooth. And we aren't sure what was going on with her eye, just Camri.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend in Minersville

This weekend Clay was here for his kids spring break and we celebrated Reagan's birthday. They kids all stayed in Minersville over night and we also spent the day in Minersville. The girls were having fun making up dances and cheers and doing stunts. It is a lot of screaming girls when they all get together, but they sure do have a lot of fun.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Starting in March and going to the second week in April the kids played volleyball. It is a lot of fun and Camri couldn't wait, this being her first year. I coached Alyssa's team this year, so I will post some pics of her later on and also some more of Camri. Maybe even some videos.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

History Fair

This year the Elementary had a history fair. Alyssa and Jentri had already done a report on a state (North Carolina) for 5th grade. The 5th graders were able to use their state reports for the history fair. They did a slide show.