Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter morning

Here's the kids on the morning of Easter after the Easter Bunny had visited!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Easter weekend this year was a jam packed weekend! Even though it rained most of the weekend, we still had some fun! We went swimming at the Cedar aquatic center and then had dinner at the Discovery Park. On Saturday we spent the day at the middle school, where we had a room set up with the WII and then we could play the games in the middle school. Later that day, after eating of course, we had an easter egg hunt for the kids. Then on Sunday we all went to church and had dinner and then most everyone headed for home.

I have lots of pics, they will follow shortly.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More merit badges

There was another court of honor and Drew got a few merit badges he had been working on. He also got a surprise award called "On Your Honor". I guess the scout leaders and bishop watch the boys for a few months and see if they are doing their scout and priesthood duties. It was quite an honor to get this award without even knowing your being watched. We are so proud of Drew and all that he is accomplishing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Coloring Eggs at our house

We had bought an egg coloring kit and decided to try it out. It was a tie-dye, the kids (and dad) had fun with it!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Girls piano recital

The girls had their first year of piano this year and they did such a good job. Bridgette Atkin was their teacher and she said they excelled. I am very proud of them.

Friday, April 15, 2011


The girls had fun playing volleyball this year. This was Camri's first year and she loved it, her coach was Daisy Miller. They both did a great job. I was Alyssa's coach this year.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Break!

For some reason I had 2 posts of Spring Break. So I decided to put both of them up, since I uploaded all of the pics. We spent our spring break with my family in Minersville and we did a few things in Cedar. It was lots of fun! We had a surprise party for Addison and went to the Cedar Aquatic Center and then the kids just had fun playing together.