Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weekend in Minersville

The weekend after school got out (Memorial Day Weekend) we headed over to Minersville. Clay's family came for the weekend and Scott's kids were there. We rented the pool and did a lot of playing and eating (as usual). We had a card game and were able to go to the cemetery to put flowers on graves.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Drew Karate

Drew hadn't been doing to much karate the last few months, but in May he was back working at it. At the end of May he had a promotion and he moved on to a new belt (brown w/blue stripe). Supposedly, if he works hard for the next year, he could take the test to receive his black belt. We are so proud of him and his accomplishments.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Drew's awards

On the second to the last day of school the Middle School have their awards assembly. I was very proud to be Drew's mom when he was receiving all of his academic awards for his hard work. He was especially glad to get the $20 prize for 4 quarters of straight A's. If he keeps it up, next year it could be $50. Good Job Drew!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Alyssa's B-day (day)

Can you believe she is 11, it makes ya feel old! After church Alyssa opened her presents and then we went to Grandma Fischer's for lunch and birthday cake. We also celebrated Megan's birthday. Thanks so much to everyone for all the cards and gifts and to grandma for the making the cake and sunday dinner.

Another celebration

I guess Alyssa is just spoiled. Since her cousin, Tylee's, birthday was on the 24th we decided to meet in Cedar and go bowling. Thanks to Grandpa & Grandma for treating us all to a game of bowling and dinner.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Alyssa's B-day (celebration)

Since Alyssa's birthday was on Sunday, she invited a few friends to go to Cedar swimming on Saturday. I think they had a lot of fun. After swimming we went to Cafe Rio to eat and then headed home. Thanks for coming Jess and keeping me company.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Drew's track meet

Drew did really good at his track meet. Athletics aren't his thing, but I'm glad he tries. The 4 events he did were, 4x100 relay, discus, shot put and long jump. He didn't do so good in the long jump, but he got 6th place in the shot put and his relay team got 2nd. I only got videos, so just ignore my voice.

Camri's track & field day

This year the weather was too bad to have the Elementary Track and Field day outside, so they did it all inside. The events Camri's doing are pretty self explanatory. I think there were more, but Justin could only stay for a little bit. He went to Camri's and I went to Tropic to Drew and Alyssa's track meet.

Alyssa's track meet

Alyssa did really good at her track meet. This is the only video that would load, her doing the high jump. The 4 events she did this year are: high jump, 100 m, 65m hurdles, and 4x100 relay. She got 1st place in the 100 m, 3rd place in the hurdles, 4th in the high jump and their relay team took 1st. She is a good athlete and I am proud of her.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Career day

For one of Drew's CTE classes he had to dress up like a career he wants to have when he grows up. Does he look like a Nuclear Physicist?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

We stayed in Panguitch for Mother's Day and Steve and Heather came over. I hope my mom and all the mothers in my life had a good mother's day.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Derrik's graduation

On Saturday the 7th, we headed over to go to Derrik's graduation at SUU. He graduated with a Master's Degree in Public Administration. We are proud of you Derrik! Good Job!