Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Camri's 1st Lost Tooth!

Camri and Alyssa were taking a bath and Camri had a tooth that was loose. So I guess she gave it one big yank and out it came. Luckily she didn't drop it in the bath water. It did bleed quite a bit, and she was a little nervous. But tomorrow she will probably be glad (after the toothfairy comes). Yeah, Camri!


Jordan and Erin Farr said...

Way to go Camri!! I hope the tooth fairy brought you something good!

Leibbrandt Family said...

Wow Grandma told me that it wasnt even that loose way to go Camri. Say what dose the Tooth Fairy pay now a days?

Heidi said...

Camri, you are a tough girl! Jeron is not really one to give it that last big yank...he mostly likes to shoot them out with dart's quicker that way, I suppose. So, what did the tooth fairy bring?