Friday, June 19, 2009

Camri Birthday!

Since I lost my camera, I didn't get any pictures of Camri's birthday, but Aunt Annette did. So as soon as I get those I will post them.

Trip to the mountains

After Alyssa's game we decided to go up to our usual camping and cook out. It was a nice night up there and the only thing that bothered us was the mosquitos. We don't do a lot of over night camping, just stay for a few hours and cook out.

Last Weekend

On Friday of last weekend was Alyssa's last softball game and she did a good job and I think she had lots of fun. She mostly played center field and here is a video of her batting.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Mclane!

Hope this goes through. We hope you have a happy birthday Mclane, we love you!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Birthday Coupons and Camera

This is the camera Justin and the kids gave me. Now the pictures on her will be a little brighter and better. The coupons the girls made were really cute. You can't read them, but a few things they said were: "help you cook", "put away toys", "wash the clothes", "not bug you when your sick", "pick the weeds", "get you something when you need it, coke", "make your bed", "help save money", "do the dishes" and my favorite "do what you say". I love my kids, thanks for the gifts.

Jenni's Birthday

Justin and I went to Cedar to the movie and dinner for my birthday, we had fun. It is nice that the kids are big enough to take care of themselves. Thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes, and Katie and Megan for helping with the kids. The kids and Justin made me cupcakes and we took a few pictures with the old digital camera. Then when I opened my presents YAY, I got a new digital camera. The girls made me some coupons that I will definitely use.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dealing with heartbreak

As a mom I think it was easier to ease your child's pain, when they were little, because it was mostly physical. I had my first encounter of the other kind, the other day. Alyssa went to a basketball camp here in Panguitch for the last 3 days. She is very talented and coordinated, and can do just about anything (as most of you know). But the second day of the camp she came out of the gym and to the car with kind of an angry/sad look on her face and her arms folded. Now most of you have seen this look and so I just took it as though she was mad at some of the boys at the camp (because they were in her class and they bug her). But after she got in and I asked her what was wrong she burst into tears. Just before they ended that day there were several drills that each kid was to do and if they made a basket they counted it as a point. Well she didn't get any points and she was totally heart broken. At first I didn't know what to do, because well this was me and Alyssa. But then I got mad and was going to go cuss everyone at the camp. After we got home we talked and I told her about the time when I was a senior in high school and was playing on my high school team. One game in Juab I played the whole game and never made a shot. Yes, I shot the ball, a lot because after a while the other team just quit guarding me after I picked up my dribble. But my coach kept encouraging me to keep shooting and I did and I never scored a point that game.

Well, the next day was better and she had a great time and learned a lot at the camp. She even got an award for being a person who always listened to the instructors, always doing what was asked and never complaining (2 free video rentals at Silver Eagle).

Old camera, funny pics

Since we had some issues ( that you will read about in a minute) we have had to go back to our old digital camera (which the girls use to play with). So here are some pictures I found on it.

Old camera, funny pics

Bad News

For Camri's birthday on June 3rd, she wanted to go to Cedar and go bowling and to a movie and then eat at Sizzler. So we did just that. We decided to take the digital camera since I don't take very many pics with it. I took some good pictures at Grandma Fischer's with her cake and then some really good one's of all of us bowling. When we got home we were unloading the car and found out the camera didn't make it home with us. Well we called everywhere we could think of, my brother even went and the drove around the places we went and he couldn't find it. So, I was lucky I had taken all the pictures off of it the day before so you can all see what happened in May.

But another thing we found when we got home was the power had surged and this:

At first we weren't sure if someone had vandalized our trampoline or if the wind had just ripped it to pieces. Well we asked around the neighborhood and found out that a big whirlywind came through our backyard and picked up the trampoline and put it up on the powerline above it, the transformer shot out sparks. It was hanging up there for about 3 hours and then the power people came and took it down (not gently). So now instead of saving for a new car, that will have to go towards a new trampoline and camera.

Weekend at Grandma's

The weekend after the cruise (May 30th) we found out that my brother (Aaron), his wife (Julie) and baby Ava(pictured with Camri), were moving to Atlanta. So we all stayed and visited for the weekend. We will miss you and we love you and wish you luck.

Here is a picture of some of the grandkids in the family. Yes, mostly girls, always!

The Cruise

After all the birthday celebrations we left the kids in Minersville and headed off with Megan to California to go on our cruise. There is our ship behind me. We had a lot of fun.

Here we are at Catalina Island, one of the stops in our cruise. We were also supposed to stop in Ensinada, Mexico, but because of the H1N1 flu we just floated around in the ocean for an extra day. We had a lot of fun and again I videoed a lot more. Megan has a lot more pictures of the ship and other stuff.

2nd birthday celebration!

On May 23rd, we headed to Minersville for a double birthday celebration. Alyssa and (our little niece) Tylee. Tylee turned 2 on the 24th and we rented the pool. All of the cousins love the water, it was a lot of fun. Again, I used the video to capture most of the partying.

Just a good shot of Camri going off the diving board.

More than one birthday/cousin

We always try to kill 2(or more) birthdays with 1 cake, so we celebrated Alyssa, Megan, Shanon and Bostyn's birthdays.

We also tried to take as many pictures as we can when we are all together. All the cousins are here except Alex and new baby girl. But hopefully we will have us all together in August.

This was supposed to be a "make a funny face" picture, but some didn't participate. Their still so cute!

Alyssa's Birthday!

I can't believe Alyssa turned 9 years old. She is growing up, and we love her so much and are so proud of her. We do a lot of pics with the video camera and forget to use the digital, so we don't have pics of her getting a new bike and softball bat. She also got lots of money from family and some fun gifts. Thank you to everyone who gave her wishes and gifts.

As you can see she also had a softball game on her birthday (softball shirt). And these next pics show how the cousins were wearing her visor (some liked it and some didn't).

Last Day of School!

This was the last day of school, May 22, 2009 (also Alyssa's birthday). Even though they don't look it, they were excited, and so was I.


Camri had an assignment to make a robot in school. Justin tried to help (you can only imagine his ideas, something involving a computer for the body), but Camri wanted it her way and that is what we did. A few boxes and toilet paper rolls later Macy was born.

Track meet

This was the district trackmeet, the 13th of May. For those of you who don't know what that is; it is a track meet held every year for the schools in our school district 4th grade-8th grade participate. It is usually in Tropic and every kid in those grades has to choose 3 or 4 events to do. Drew did the high jump (landing shown below), the 100 m dash and the shot put. I was very proud of him and at one point wanted to slap him. Last year he jumped over the high jump forward and then I taught him how to do it and he did it the correct way this year. In his heat of the 100 he got second (close to first). But (here is the almost slapping part) we never did hear the call for the shot put, so I told him to go check, when he came back he said I did it. So I didn't get to even see him throw it, therefore no pic. Anyway, I am proud of him for participating and wanting to learn.


I hate pictures of myself, but here is me getting my mother's day presents. The big present from the kids and Justin was satellite radio for our car. Thanks guys, I love you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Softball (Alyssa)

Alyssa is playing softball with the big girls this year, 4th through the 8th grades play together. So she looks so small compared to some of the girls. It is slow pitch softball and she is having a lot of fun. She has played many games, here she is in one of them.
(She's the one in the middle, out in right field)

More cheerleading and DONE!

This was the final performance this season. We will see what happens next year.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


It seems like I post at the end of each month. I don't do that on purpose, it just happens that way. I will be posting a lot of stuff that happened in May, so keep checking back.