Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Drew's Birthday!

I can't believe that 12 years ago we had this cute little baby boy. He was so cute as a baby, and so easy going. He is a great kid, we love him and are so proud of him and the young man he is becoming. For his birthday we helped him open a savings account and now he can deposit all of his birthday money in it. He also got a game and a movie and a sweatshirt. We went to Cedar to a movie and Drew got to choose where to eat. We hope he had a good day!

A special thanks to Aunt Annette for making Drew one of his favorite desserts, frozen chocolate pie.


Jordan and Erin Farr said...

Where did that little boy go? I can't bleieve it has been 12 years. Happy Birthday Drew!! Sorry we couldn't be there to celebrate. I hope he had a great day. Justin did a great job on the cake. Miss you all.

Leibbrandt Family said...

Happy Birthday Drew! Sorry we wernt able to be there and that our card was late. We hope youhad a great day, We cant wait to get to come and see you pass the sacrement!