Sunday, June 26, 2011

Balloon Festival!

As usual we had a great time at the balloon festival. Everyone was at Grandma & Grandpa's house, so we were able to get a pic with all the grandkids. I took a few hoping maybe to get a good one. We all had a good time!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Catching up

I will be posting a bunch of posts in the next couple of days. I am way behind, so beware!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vacation/Father's Day

We decided it was time to take a vacation. Of course we could only afford a small one, but it was fun. We headed down to Mesquite to stay in my mom & dad's condo. On the way we stopped at a new place, in St. George, called Antigravity Arena. As you can see it was full of trampolines. The girls loved it, even Drew got into it. We spent an hour there and the kids were exhausted. Justin & I didn't try because we knew there would be accidents if we did. After that we headed to the condo. We did a lot of swimming, watched a movie, went to the arcade and gave Justin his father's day present as well. On our way back, we headed to the orthodontist. It was nice to get away and just relax. Thanks to Grandma Margie & Grandpa Tim for letting us use your condo.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Short trip

Partly for my birthday and just because, we took our first trip to the gorge for this summer on Friday the 10 of June. We just grabbed some subway sandwiches, chips and drinks and headed up. It was such a nice day! We hiked down to the water and barely made it back up (we need to work out before we do that again).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Girls softball

The girls were on the same softball team this year and it was a lot of fun. Lewis Barney was their coach. Alyssa mostly played shortstop and Camri played different outfield positions. (She is in left in this pic). They did a good job, it is so fun to watch them!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Camri's B-day

On the weekend of Camri's birthday Erin and the kids were visiting Jordan in Zions while he was working, and then they came to Panguitch for Alex's baptism. On Friday we had lunch at Grandma's and cake and ice cream(thanks Grandma for all you do), then Camri took a couple of friends to the movie here. I didn't get any pictures because I was really sick. Then on Saturday we had Alex's baptism. Camri got lots of great gifts and cards, thanks to everyone for all of that. Then on Sunday the horror hit! Everyone got really sick, so we all pretty much spent the next 2 days in our own rooms (whether it was a bedroom or bathroom).