Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vacation/Father's Day

We decided it was time to take a vacation. Of course we could only afford a small one, but it was fun. We headed down to Mesquite to stay in my mom & dad's condo. On the way we stopped at a new place, in St. George, called Antigravity Arena. As you can see it was full of trampolines. The girls loved it, even Drew got into it. We spent an hour there and the kids were exhausted. Justin & I didn't try because we knew there would be accidents if we did. After that we headed to the condo. We did a lot of swimming, watched a movie, went to the arcade and gave Justin his father's day present as well. On our way back, we headed to the orthodontist. It was nice to get away and just relax. Thanks to Grandma Margie & Grandpa Tim for letting us use your condo.

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