Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor day weekend

This weekend we decided to head up to the Gorge to camp. We stayed overnight one night and that was enough. But we went back and forth and had lots of good food. Thanks to grandma and grandpa Fischer for the food and fun! It was nice to get away for one last camp out before going back to the grindstone.


Leibbrandt Family said...

Looks like tons of fun, Wish we could have been there! Miss you guys!!

Jordan and Erin Farr said...

You guys sure have been busy busy, as always! I didn't even get a day trip up to the gorge this year. Looks like a lot of fun! The kids all look cute/handsome in their school clothes. I hope they are haveing a good year so far. I am glad that Drew had a good time on the trek too. Miss you all and will see you in about a week and a half!