Friday, October 28, 2011

Carving pumpkins

As the kids get older they can carve their own pumpkins and they come up with really good ideas. Drew has good ideas, but he just wants to hurry and get it done, so it doesn't always turn out right. His had stars for the eyes and (for some reason) Alyssa had hers throw up, and don't ya love Camri's braces!


Jordan and Erin Farr said...

LOVE the pumpkins! They turned out really good. I wish we lived closer so that we could have come and watched some of the girls games. The pumpkin patch and maze looked like they were a lot of fun too!

Leibbrandt Family said...

Wow you gave Camri a knife and Alyssa a power tool!?!?!? ;) The pumpkins look great! I cant believe how old Drew looks!! Miss you guys!