Monday, June 14, 2010

Broken Arm!

On Wednesday the 10th of June, Alyssa came in screaming from the backyard. She told us that she had tried a 2 handed cartwheel off the trampoline onto the ground and that went okay. Then she tried a 1 handed cartwheel and that went okay also. Then she decided to try an aerial (no hand cartwheel), obviously that didn't turn out so well. It hurt pretty bad, she cried quite a while. But some of the reason she cried was because she wouldn't be able to play 2 baseball games (the next day) and she had signed up for basketball camp that would be Monday & Tuesday. She couldn't get the cast on until Monday (pics to come), and then we will see about basketball.

The break was a greenstick fracture. Meaning that if you break a green stick it just kind of shreads. You can see the break on the Radius just above the small arrow.

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